This beauty dropped in my inbox today - the Insta 360 One X. Ironically just after last week's drop of the GoPro 7. Both boasting about amazing IS with no gimbal. Which is super great if...and only need that in your work. The Insta 360 folks are attempting to go head to head with GoPro - but they are two totally different cameras. But hey...if you want to get your product out there...that's what you're gonna do.

Two core points: #1 - Imaging hardware has gone the way of the smart phone industry - and there is this aspect of having to drop new tech every 12 mos. that is better than 12 mos. ago. But in reality - there are usually just minor base improvements - and sometimes not so much, i.e. slimmer, sexy casing = loss of battery life. Not saying that there aren't major upgrades at times. But is the purchase or upgrade worth you're hard earned cash? #2 - Purpose. Intention. Longevity. Three words that should always be at the forefront of why you add to your creative toolbox. If you just need it for a one or two shot project (Purpose); rent or borrow it. If you know that you'll need it for other projects (Intention)...purchase it. But make sure it's tech that is going to be supported by the company and around for awhile (Longevity). I have literally been down that road more than one time - I had my Purpose and Intention; but failed to look at the Longevity that the company was going to supply their equipment. So I wound up with equipment that became useless in a short period of time. Bottom line...I do have a 360 One and a GoPro 6. Older like less than a year for each. I don't plan on upgrading either soon. They are good enough for my Purpose, Intention, and well, pretty much have Longevity.
Much peace,